The Halstead Bank

The Halstead Bank
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Special Services Fees - Effective December 31, 2019

Automatic Authorized Transfer Between Account No charge
ATM or Visa® Debit Card $3.00 Replacement Fee per card

ATM Transactions - Customers
   Foreign Trans. Fee -
   using Debit or ATM card

No charge

1.5% of dollar amount per transaction

ATM Transactions - Noncustomers $2.00 each for noncustomers using our ATM
Bank Bags No charge
Cashier's Checks $4.00 each
Check Cashing $7.00 each (if non customer)
Check Printing Fees Depends on the style of check and quantity ordered.
Collection Items (In or Out) $5.00 each
Documentary Research $20.00 per hour, minimum charge of $20.00.
Add'l charge if in underground storage.
Dormant Account Fee - Checking $5.00/month, after 12 months of no activity.
Dormant Account Fee - Savings $5.00/month, after 24 months of no activity.
Fax Service Sending-$3.00 first page, $1.00 each additional page
Receiving-$1.00 each page
Funds Management Service $1.00 per transfer
Garnishments and Tax Levies $10.00 each
Lock Depository Bag with Two Keys $15.00 each
Night Deposit Key $2.00 to replace
Notary Public $5.00 each (if non customer)
Overdraft/Return/Nonsufficient Item $30.00 each
Daily Maximum $300.00
(An overdraft, return, or nonsufficient funds item may be created by check, in person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal,
or other electronic means.)
Overdraft Privilege See Customer Service for more information.
Online & Mobile Banking No charge
Online Bill Payment No charge
Photocopies $.25 each (Silver Plus free)
Reserve Checking Ask a Loan Officer for more information. No annual fee, no transfer fee.
Safe Deposit Box Fees Range from $15.00 to $60.00 depending on size
Stop Payments No charge if item is not authorized
$30.00 each if item is authorized
Telephone Transfers No charge
Wire Transfers (Customers Only)
   Outgoing Domestic
   Outgoing International
   Incoming Domestic or International

$15.00 each Domestic
$30.00 each International
No charge

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