The Halstead Bank

The Halstead Bank
Online Banking Login

ATM, Debit, & Credit Cards


As an ATM Card cardholder, you have instant access to your Halstead Bank account through the use of Automated Teller Machines.

This allows you to make cash withdrawals from your checking, savings or Money Market account, make deposits into your accounts or transfer funds between accounts.

The best part is, you can do this 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in thousands of locations across the country and around the world. When you are traveling, be sure to look for the familiar PLUS and CIRRUS signs.

Find a location near you.


As an added convenience, The Halstead Bank offers the Visa® Debit Card which, in addition to the regular ATM and POS cash services, "looks like a credit card, works like a check." Checkless checking is especially convenient.


The Halstead Bank also offers regular cards, K-State or KU and Gold Visa® or MasterCard® credit cards. Just pick up an application in the lobby or ask one of our customer service representatives for an application.

Corporate/Business credit card applications are also available on request.

The Halstead Bank Privacy Policy
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Disclosure
Truth-in-Savings Disclosure
Funds Availability Disclosure
Schedule of Fees and Charges

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