Emergency Contact Numbers
To contact a Halstead Bank Customer Service Representative, please use one of the e-mail addresses listed below or call us at one of our locations. A response to your request will be made via e-mail or telephone during normal business hours, Monday through Friday.
- Halstead [email protected]
- Maize [email protected]
- Valley Center [email protected]
Note: We do not send emails or text messages or make unsolicited phone calls requesting user information. In the event of suspicious or other information security related events please contact us at (316) 830-2226 and ask for the Bank's Compliance Officer or Operations Officer.
To report a lost or stolen Visa®Debit Card or ATM Card:
- (877) 226-2351
To report identity theft, immediately do these three things!
- First: Contact the fraud departments of each of the three major credit bureaus and report that your identity has been stolen. Ask that a "fraud alert" be placed on your file and that no new credit be granted without your approval.
Report Fraud Equifax (888) 548-7878 Experian (888) 397-3742 Trans Union (800) 916-8800
- Second: For any accounts that have been fraudulently accessed or opened, contact the security departments of the appropriate creditors or financial institutions. Close these accounts. Put passwords (not your mother's maiden name) on any new accounts you open.
- Third: File a report with your local police or the police where the identity theft took place. Get a copy of the report in case the bank, credit card company, or others need proof of the crime later on.
Contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for assistance: The FTC is the federal clearinghouse for complaints by victims of identity theft. Although the FTC does not have the authority to bring criminal cases, the Commission assists victims of identity theft by providing them with information to help them resolve the financial and other problems that can result from identity theft. The FTC also may refer victim complaints to other appropriate government agencies and private organizations for further action.
You may file a complaint with the FTC by contacting the FTC's Identity Theft Hotline: (877) 438-4338; TDD (202) 326-2502 or ftc.complaintassistant.gov
Identity Theft Clearinghouse
Federal Trade Commission
600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20580