Fixed Term - Higher Yield Interest - FDIC Insured
Having an IRA helps plan for a more secure retirement plus, take advantage of the tax savings. Whether your retirement is down the road or right around the corner, an Individual Retirement Account can help you prepare for the future.
- Types offered are Traditional IRA, Roth IRA, Education IRA and SEPs.
- All IRAs are FDIC insured separately from your other funds at this bank and insured to the maximum allowed by law.
- Interest is compounded daily and paid quarterly or in accordance with the terms of your IRA.
- A summary is mailed annually showing fair market value and activity on the account.
- Rollovers and Direct Transfers are accepted from Qualified Retirement 401-K's and other IRA funds.
Whether you want to take advantage of tax-deferred earnings and yearly tax deductions, want your earnings to grow tax free or set up an IRA to help pay for a student's education, we have a plan for you.
182 days to 18 months - $250 minimum to open
36 months to 60 months - $1,000 minimum to open
(Certain advertised specials may have other minimum requirements.)
Check our current Rates.
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