Computer Security Tips
- Control physical access to your personal computer (PC); that is, do what you can to prevent unauthorized persons from using your PC.
- If you are using your PC and need to walk away from it for any reason, log off or lock your workstation.
- Select passwords that would be difficult for others to guess and change them frequently.
- Do not give your passwords to anyone.
- Report suspicious activity you notice relating to your PC or use of your PC to the appropriate person and do so as quickly as possible. If you notice suspicious activity relating to accounts at The Halstead Bank that you access online, call 316-830-2226 promptly to report that activity to The Halstead Bank.
Virus Management
Install virus management software on your PC and use it regularly.
Keep it up to date (i.e., latest signature files, product upgrades)
Be cautious when downloading and running programs or Java or ActiveX applets as they may contain unsecured data that cannot be filtered using firewall or anti-virus software, for example.
Use extreme caution when opening email received from unknown sources and pay special attention to any attachments. Do not execute an attachment from an unknown source. When in doubt...delete it without opening it.
PC Software
Understand and use the security features provided by your PC software, such as those included in many operating systems, browsers, and word processing systems.
Ensure that your browser uses the strongest encryption available and be aware of the level of encryption used when you connect to various sites and applications. For example, The Halstead Bank's Online Banking system requires the use of 128-bit encryption.
Use only software from reliable vendors.
Stay abreast of the latest release and patch levels of the PC software you use.
Communication with Others
Use good judgment in communication with others, especially those you do not know.
Note: We do not send emails or text messages or make unsolicited phone calls requesting user information. In the event of suspicious or other information security related events please contact us at (316) 830-2226 and ask for the Bank's Compliance Officer or Operations Officer.
Take Advantage of the Opportunities
The Internet is and will continue to be the source of many new opportunities. Those who get the most out of those opportunities will be those who use them wisely. Although the foregoing list of guidelines is not exhaustive, it contains some key points that will help you use the Internet in a more secure manner. Use these guidelines along with caution and good judgment.
For more information on computer and internet security view one of our videos on protecting your privacy or visit one of the following sites: